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The most recent review in June 2019 (which combined our staff with lead Ofsted inspectors) found teaching to be of consistently high quality. It was noted that particular strengths are teacher subject knowledge, behaviour management and the clear and engaging delivery of lesson content. The positive findings from lesson observations were mirrored by the boys in interviews held. The review team commented that middle leaders had an excellent grasp of strengths and weaknesses. And noted that any weaknesses were being addressed through targeted training and support.

This correlates with the school tracking of lesson observations, learning walks and work scrutinies. Our findings it that there is outstanding teaching in every department and teachers challenge pupils to produce work of high quality. Assessment data would indicate that steady progress is being made and that standards are maintained.

Teachers are committed and hardworking. They plan their lessons thoroughly and this leads to well-structured activities which cohere well with learning objectives. Teaching facilitates the learning and retention of knowledge with teachers relating present learning to material taught in the past.

Teachers are well-qualified and experts in their subject-fields. They speak with fluency and authority and have an excellent understanding of examination board criteria. Teacher knowledge of pupil data is strong and they use it well to target work at pupils. The school has a programme to develop teaching and all teachers are good or outstanding.

Internal and external observations indicate that there has been marked improvement in the quality of teaching in recent years. There is outstanding teaching in every department.

Assessment is strong overall, detailed, and makes the next steps clear. Teacher strive to ensure that pupils are understanding content and making next steps clear. Progress grades are supplied termly and give succinct information on pupil progress. E-praise rewards, encourage pupils to give of their best and are used consistently across the school. Teachers have a good grasp of attainment levels and these are used to inform learning objectives and assessment.

The learning ethos throughout the school is outstanding and a key contributory factor to the school’s success. Pupils enjoy their lessons and are keen to succeed. Attendance at extra-curricular activities is excellent.

Homework is challenging and set consistently across year groups. The school has invested in effective monitoring systems to ensure that homework is set regularly, completed by pupils and is then marked within a set time and feedback given. The SIMs system shows a very high level of completion – partly the result of very rigorous follow up.

Classroom management is excellent with routines embedded in all classes even those with challenging pupils. Lessons start promptly and transition between tasks is smooth, brisk and virtually silent. Teachers are pro-active with high expectations of behaviour. Pupils are positive, although some have reported that the school is too strict.

Teachers check understanding systematically, helping to identify misconceptions which are systematically addressed eg through mini-plenaries.

An external Haringey review has noted that our remote learning is innovative and of a consistently high quality. Also, whole-school reviews have shown teaching to be of a consistently high quality.

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