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About Us

Every parent, in choosing a school, is looking for a place where their child can belong. At Salvatorian College, we will nurture your son’s abilities, celebrate his achievements, and care for him as part of the Salvatorian College family.

Our ethos as a Catholic school is underpinned by Gospel and universal values:

We believe that every child should be valued for who they are, and for who they can become. Boys at Salvatorian College know they are valued and respected and, in turn, they are confident in themselves and respectful to others – as a result our school is a calm, safe, and happy place to be.

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Boys at Salvatorian College are challenged and stretched by their teachers – as a result, boys at Salvatorian College achieve some of the best academic results in the country, regardless of their starting points.

We believe that, to navigate the modern world, children need to develop positive values and attitudes, in addition to academic learning. Boys at Salvatorian College are taught to think critically about moral, philosophical, and spiritual issues; they are taught to respect human dignity and serve others; and are taught to be honest and forgiving – as a result, boys leave Salvatorian College as well-rounded young men, ready to become leaders of good influence in the world.

Our pupils are the greatest advocates of the unique education provided at this exceptional school, and will be very happy to welcome you for a tour.

Mr Alan Bryant, Head of School


Our vision is to be the School of First Choice

We will embrace the teachings of Christ as crystallised in our values which are founded upon the Beatitudes. In our pursuit of excellence, we will foster a greater love and knowledge of the Divine Saviour.

We will  develop in our pupils, exemplary manners and a commitment to their studies so that they make outstanding progress.

We will nurture our pupils so that they become effective leaders of good influence.



Salvatorian College was completely rebuilt between 2017 and 2020, with over 25 million pounds being invested in state of the art educational facilities, including:

  • Seven science labs
  • Four court sports hall
  • Activity studio
  • Food technology room
  • Fine art studio
  • Pottery wheels and kiln.
  • Graphics Room
  • 3D design workshop
  • Suite of music rooms and recording studio
  • Large hall with theatre-style seating
  • Drama studio

Salvatorian College is governed by a Board of Directors (who are the Trustees of the Academy Trust), and Members (who perform a similar role to shareholders in a limited company). Directors take a day to day interest in the running of the school and hold the Executive (Senior Leadership and Staff) to account. Members take a more strategic view of the future of the Academy Trust, and make decisions on aspects such as admissions arrangements.




Ms N Hajiantoni

Lead for Catholic Life/Acting Head of RE

Mr G James

Assistant Headteacher

Ms A Ward

Associate Senior Leader and Head of Science

Miss D Williams

Associate Senior Leader and Teacher of RE

Ms P Shamash

Assistant Headteacher

Mr D Cooper

Deputy Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr D Evans

Deputy Headteacher

Mr A Coker

Deputy Headteacher

Mr A Bryant

Head of School

Mr M Tissot

Executive Headteacher


Ms P Shamash

Ms C Sequeira

Mr S Rabey

Mrs A Hickmore

Mr S Malik

Ms M Jardim

Ms N Hajiantoni

Lead for Catholic Life/Acting Head of RE

Mrs G Caseley

Head of Drama

Mr J Michie

Mr G James

Assistant Headteacher

Ms A Schipor


Mrs M Syeda


Mr D Evans


Ms A Ward

Associate Senior Leader and Head of Science

Miss D Williams

Associate Senior Leader and Teacher of RE

Mrs F Henry

Teacher of Religious Education (Head of Dept.)

Ms I Phillips

Teacher of Art

Mr A Templeton

Physical Education

Mr A Creamer

Physical Education (Head of Dept., Head of Year 7)

Mr D Ogunjuyigbe


Mr F Banji


Mrs L Morrell

Maths (Head of Dept.)

Ms C Balaiita

Modern Foreign Languages (Head of Dept.)

Mr D Grimes

History (acting Head of Dept.)

Mrs E Brown

Geography (Head of Dept.)

Mr D Cooper

Food Technology

Mr A Bryant


Mr A Coker


Mr G James

Art, Design and Food Technology (Head of Dept.)

Mr P Florence

Computer Science


Salvatorian College was founded in 1926 by Brothers of the Society of the Divine Saviour (the Salvatorians).

The Salvatorians had come to Harrow in 1901 and established a small parish dedicated to Saint Joseph the Worker. It was not until 1926 that the community was big enough to warrant the opening a school. A grammar school opened in September 1926 with thirteen boys and Fr Cuthbert Smith SDS as the first Headmaster. Shortly after, a prep department for boys aged 8–11 was opened as the number of boys grew. Under the tripartite system it attained ‘Voluntary Aided’ grammar school status in 1961. The prep department was closed that same year.

With the abolition of the tripartite system and Harrow Local Education Authority adopting the three-tier system, in 1979, the sixth form was closed and consolidated into the coeducational St Dominic’s Sixth Form College, formerly a convent grammar school for girls run by the Dominican Sisters, while the College became a comprehensive school for boys aged 12 to 16. The entry age later became 11 when Harrow Council reverted to the two-tier system in line with other London boroughs.

The first lay Headmaster was appointed in 1981 and nowadays all teachers are lay staff. The school remains under the trusteeship of the Salvatorian Order, whose Provincial Office is located next to the school.

Salvatorian College became an Academy in 2012, gaining independence from the Local Authority. In September 2017, Salvatorian College entered into a partnership with the Cardinal Hume Academies Trust, a high performing consortium of Catholic Schools under the executive leadership of the highly regarded educator, Martin Tissot.

The school was successful in bidding for funding under the Government’s ‘Priority Schools Building Programme’ and staff and pupils moved into the new £25m facility in September 2019.

Despite the begining of this new chapter in the school’s history, it remains dedicated to furthering the mission of Father Francis Jordan, the founder of the Salvatorian Order: “to bring all people to a knowledge and love of God and of Jesus Christ whom he sent” (John 17:3). Central to Francis Jordan’s philosophy was the power of education to transform lives and to empower people to achieve their ambitions. He regarded it essential, that people develop their skills and talents, to enable them to make a difference to their local communities.

Our policies are regularly reviewed with parents, pupils, staff and Governors to ensure they align with our values and meet statutory regulation and good practice.

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