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Vacancies at Salvatorian College

We're Hiring!

Are you interested in working in at Salvatorian College? We have a variety of positions available that could open the door for you into working in Education.

Train to be a teacher with us. Do you have a degree? Are you interested in training to teach with Salvatorian College? There are two main routes to train to teach via Salvatorian College. We are happy to help advise which route is best for you, should a vacancy become available.

‘School Direct’ (Salaried and Student Finance Fee Funded) 

You will train with us as an employee of Salvatorian College for 1 year to achieve QTS (Qualified Teacher Status), working in partnership with our Lead School St George’s and our Provider University. Certain subjects may be salaried. Please get in touch for more details.

‘Teach First’ via the Nomination route (Salaried) 

You will train with us as an employee of Salvatorian College for 2 years, gaining QTS after the first year. This will be through Teach First and their nomination route. Teach First positions are salaried. Please get in touch for more details.

Please email a brief CV or summary of experience to if you are interested in applying.
Student Ambassadors
Are you interested in working in a school, supporting students and gaining a wide range of experience working in education? We are always looking for Student Ambassadors at Salvatorian College! Student Ambassadorship at Salvatorian has led to many careers in education for our former ambassadors. Some remain working in Salvatorian College on a full time basis, operating across various areas of the school, and many Student Ambassadors eventually train to teach with us!

Please email a brief CV or summary of experience to if you are interested in applying. ‘


Are you interested in becoming a Foundation Governor at the Diocese of Westminster? Follow this link to find out more. 

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