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Curriculum Intent

In Christ at the Centre, 2012, the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, wrote: “Catholic education is inspired by a vision of life seen whole”. Our Catholic faith inspires us to reach for a full life in Christ, given expression in the interactions in community life where many should become leaders of good influence.

Our carefully structured and enriching curriculum is intended to empower all our pupils so that they can develop the knowledge and skills needed for learning and employment. We endeavour to produce pupils who have a sense of their own worth and who have aspirations to develop their talents aware of the range of opportunities.


The most recent review in June 2019 (which combined our staff with lead Ofsted inspectors) found teaching to be of consistently high quality. It was noted that particular strengths are teacher subject knowledge, behaviour management and the clear and engaging delivery of lesson content. The positive findings from lesson observations were mirrored by the boys in interviews held. The review team commented that middle leaders had an excellent grasp of strengths and weaknesses. And noted that any weaknesses were being addressed through targeted training and support.


Curriculum Booklets

All pupils are taught Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Music, Geography, History, Physical Education, Art, Product Design, and Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish or French)

All pupils are taught Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Music, Geography, History, Physical Education, Art, Product Design, and Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish or French)

All pupils are taught Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish or French), Gegoraphy and History. All pupils have Games once per week. Pupils in Year 9 may also choose subjects from the option blocks, which may include Economics, Sociology, Business Studies, Psychology, Food Technology, Drama, Art, Product Design, Vocational Studies and Physical Education

All pupils are taught Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish or French), Geography and History. All pupils have Games once per week. Pupils in Year 10 may also choose subjects from the option blocks, which may include Triple Science, Art, Business Studies, Product Design, Food Technology, Drama, Music and Physical Education.


All pupils are taught Religious Education, English, Mathematics, and Science. All pupils have Games once per week. Other subjects may be taken within option blocks.

Free Additional Tuition

Salvatorian College runs an extensive programme of free additional tutoring, intervention, revision and extended curriculum sessions, designed to assist those pupils who require extra support in their learning, as well as to challenge pupils of higher ability to achieve even more highly. All additional tutoring is made available free of charge.

Homework club

Homework Club runs from Monday to Thursday from 15:15 to 17:00. It is supervised by teaching staff, and one-to-one tutoring is available.

Saturday school

The Saturday School programme runs every week during term-time. There are three sessions with a break between each. Refreshments are freely available to any pupil that attends.

Session 1
09:30 til 11:00

Session 2
11:20 til 12:50

Session 3
13:30 til 15:00

Period 6&7

Period 6 & 7 classes are extended study classes offered by departments after school until 17:15. Period 6 & 7 classes last for one hour each, beginning at 15:15.

Half Term & Holidays

During each half term, extra intervention and revision sessions are offered. All Year 11 and 12 pupils are expected to attend these as part of their exam preparation.

Summer School

Summer school runs for several weeks during the summer holiday. It consists of a mixture of academic and creative activities designed to engage pupils outside the normal classroom / curriculum environment.

Pupils sit mock examinations throughout their time at Salvatorian College. These trial examinations prepare pupils for the exam environment they will experience at GCSE and A Level when they are formally examined, and provide updates for teachers and parents on progress and attainment. These updates inform target grades and intervention strategies to ensure every pupil makes the maximum possible progress from their starting point.



We will assess your child on entry and provide extra help, if this is merited, within the limits of our resources. We use the school’s mainstream funding, and top up SEN funding, to furnish this support. Our staff receive basic training in special educational needs. The new build for the school is only half complete and, although there is a lift one block, other parts of the school might be difficult to access. SEN pupils tend to be supported in-class, however, occasionally pupils are withdrawn from the mainstream. There is a special needs homework club every evening (Monday to Thursday) to support pupils. Pupils are placed in ability streams and setting is used to enable teachers to teach to the appropriate level. We assess the success that those with special needs achieve by benchmarking against expected progress from prior attainment levels at Key Stage 2.

At the beginning of each term parents will receive a curriculum booklet giving an outline scheme of work and indicating how parents can support their child. Every half-term we will send progress grades but if parents have any concerns they may contact the Head of Year or SENCO to arrange a meeting. We work with a range of external agencies including CAMHS (Children & Adolescent Mental Health Service) and various charities. We have an SEN Governor who oversees this area of policy. We liaise with local support services before the end of Year 11, so that a smooth and successful transition is made to post-16 education.

The school SEN and Disability Policy and SEN Information Report are available in the “About Us – Policies” section of this website. The SENCO for Salvatorian College is Mrs I Goursaud and the Assistant SENCO is Mrs M Kilroy. Both can be contacted via the school office.

Please click here for The Government Code of Practice.

Please click here for Special Educational Needs and Disability: The Guide for Parents and Carers.

To view Harrow Council’s Local Offer page (information about services for children and young people 0-25 with SEN & Disabilities) click here.


We believe that doing homework on a regular basis helps pupils develop important skills. By becoming more independent in their learning, pupils will benefit more from their time in school.  Homework is uploaded weekly to Show My Homework and each pupil is given a login for their and their parent(s)/guardians’ use.

The School will:

  • ensure pupils are set homework on a regular basis and in manageable amounts;
  • set tasks which are suitable and achievable within the time available;
  • provide homework which relates to work being done in school;
  • mark homework regularly and give feedback to pupils;
  • ensure homework is at an appropriate level of challenge for pupils;
  • provide suitable facilities for homework tasks to be completed at school;

The approximate amount of homework set each night will be as follows:

  • Year 7 – One and a half hours
  • Year 8 – One and a half hours
  • Year 9 – One and a half to two hours
  • Years 10 & 11 – Two to three hours
  • Year 12 – Four hours

Music Lessons

Research shows that learning a musical instrument improves progress and attainment across all subjects, with children given music lessons testing on average three IQ points higher than other groups, whilst showing improved memory and social skills. Learning an instrument also develops concentration and mental resilience, which are important life skills.

All pupils at Salvatorian College are given the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. One in four pupils, or 25%, of all boys at Salvatorian College learn an instrument in school. We currently offer lessons on the following instruments, though tuition in other instruments can be arranged if there is demand:

Drum Kit Cello
Piano Trumpet
Violin Trombone
Electric Guitar Saxaphone
Acoustic Guitar

Tuition is given by qualified teachers provided by Harrow Music Service (, and happens on a rota during school hours so that the impact on class learning is minimised. Tuition is charged at a flat rate of £10 per 30 minute session, which compares very favourably to commercial rates. This works out at approximately £400 for one full year of term-time instrumental tuition. Tuition is payable in advance at the beginning of each term. Subsidised tuition is available for those receiving pupil premium (please contact the School Business Manager to discuss.)

Please contact Ms Jardim, Head of Music, to register interest.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium, introduced in 2011, is funding from the Government to narrow the gap in attainment between pupils from low income families and their peers. The school have the freedom to spend this money on targeted support for pupils whose needs have been identified. Those that have free school meals or have had free school meals in the last six years are eligible for support.

More information can be found in our Pupil Premum Strategy.

Online Learning

Download a copy of our Remote Education Policy here.

Curriculum & Timetables

Pupils will follow their pre-existing timetable, however lessons such as PE, will be replaced by self-guided study time. Homework will continue to be set, marked and completed in the normal way.

Click here to download the Parent & Student Guidlines for using Microsoft Teams.

Click here to download Remote Learning timetables for all form groups.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

The SEN department continues to provide extra support to SEN pupils, particularly those with Education Helath Care Plans and vulnerable pupils

Teaching assistants are supporting SEN pupils in two ways:

  • by attending live online lessons
  • by providing 1-1 intervention on Teams during Show My Homework sessions .

Providing targeted support during live online lessons is more challenging than traditional in-class support, however this can be done through the private chat function or break out rooms.

Mental Health Support

Pupils at Salvatorian College are able to access the Kooth service which provides a free, anonymous, confidential, safe, online Wellbeing service. The support includes counselling, information, and forums for children and young people.

Access is available 365 days a year to counsellors who are available from 12 noon-10pm Monday- Friday, and 6pm-10pm Saturday and Sunday

Log on through mobile, laptop and tablet:
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