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Pupils are examined formally in Year 11 when they sit their GCSE examinations and Year 13 when they sit their A Level examinations.

Pupils sit mock examinations throughout their time at Salvatorian College. These trial examinations prepare pupils for the exam environment they will experience at GCSE and A Level, and provide updates for teachers and parents on progress and attainment. These updates inform target grades and intervention strategies to ensure every pupil makes the maximum possible progress from their starting point.

The Exams Officer is Ms Hussain, who can be contacted via

Year 11 Mock Timetable – March 2025

KS4 Examinations

Exam BoardExam SubjectQualification No.Exam CodeTier FoundationTier Higher
AQAArt & Design (3D Design)601/8088/2-8205AQA 8205
AQAArt & Design (Fine Art)601/8088/2-8202AQA 8202
AQAArt & Design (Graphic Design)601/8088/2-8203AQA 8203
AQABiology601/8752/9AQA 84618461H8461F
AQAChemistry601/8757/8AQA 84628462H8462F
AQACombined Science601/8758/XAQA 84648464H8464F
AQAEnglish Language601/4292/3AQA 8700
AQAEnglish Literature601/4447/6AQA 8702
AQAGeography601/8410/3AQA 8035
AQAPhysics601/8751/7AQA 84638463H8463F
AQAPsychology603/0932/5AQA 8182
OCRBusiness603/0295/1OCR J204
OCRComputer Science601/8355/XOCR J277
OCREconomics603/0143/0OCR J205
OCRPhysical Education601/8442/5OCR J587
Pearson BTECDigital Information Technology603/7050/621193L
Pearson EdexcelDrama601/8491/71DR0
Pearson EdexcelFrench601/8708/61FR01FR011FR0H
Pearson EdexcelHistory601/8092/41HI0 BR
Pearson EdexcelMathematics601/4700/31MA11MA1H1MA1F
Pearson EdexcelReligious Studies A603/0079/63RA0
Pearson EdexcelSpanish601/8710/41SP01SP0H1SP0F
WJEC EduqasHospitality & Catering603/7022/15409QA
WJEC EduqasMusic601/8131/XC660QS
WJEC EduqasSociology603/1045/5C200QS
Exam BoardExam SubjectQualification No.Exam Code
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in Art and Design / 3D DESIGN601/4456/7-72057205
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in Art and Design / FINE ART601/4456/7-72027202
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in Biology601/4625/47402
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in Business601/4336/87132
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in History601/4973/57042
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in Physics601/4747/77408
AQALevel 3 Advanced GCE in Psychology601/4838/X7182
AQALevel 3 AS GCE in Business601/4336/87131
OCRLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Computer Science601/4911/5H446
OCRLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Physical Education601/8322/6H555
OCRLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Sociology601/3997/3H580
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Economics A601/4105/09EC0
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Mathematics603/1333/X9MA0
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Politics603/1223/39PL0
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 Advanced GCE in Religious Studies601/8741/49RS0
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 AS GCE in Economics A601/4105/08EC0
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 AS GCE in Religious Studies601/8741/48RS0
Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 Extended Project500/2372/X
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