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“The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives.” – Malala Yousafzai

At Salvatorian, the English curriculum is designed to inspire a passion for the subject by introducing them to a wide range of interesting, approachable, diverse, and thought-provoking authors, genres, and writing styles.

The English curriculum aims to:
•Develop the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills of all students.
•Develop students’ cultural capital through exposure to a diverse range of texts.
•Promote a love of reading and literature.
•Enable students to develop key literacy skills for school and beyond.


At KS3, we provide students with an overall chronology of key historical and literary periods from Ancient Greece to present day. This foundational knowledge allows pupils to make intertextual links across texts and literary movements fostering a deeper more analytical understanding when reading. We focus on developing ambitious vocabularies and use of disciplinary terminology so that students are highly literate and can express themselves through excellent reading, writing and verbal communication skills. Pupils are encouraged to read widely and for pleasure, with the understanding that through this, they will continue to develop key interchangeable literacy skills that can be used across subjects and into adulthood. Our broad KS3 curriculum, enables pupils to build the required knowledge, skills and confidence to tackle the rigorous requirements of KS4 and the GCSE examination.


At KS4, we draw on substantive knowledge developed across KS3 to sharpen and hone our students’ analytical skills. Pupils continue to build on their repertoire of contextual knowledge while refining their ability to accurately read, speak and write in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes. Pupils are encouraged to develop an appreciation of literature in its various forms while building on their cultural capital through trips and extra-curricular activities. We take a meticulous approach to teaching the craft of writing and encourage students to see the empowering benefits of being a highly literate individual beyond school. As a department, we aim to ensure all pupils make outstanding progress. Through this challenging and broad curriculum, we aim to develop highly literate and resilient learners, who are able to evaluate society, their role within it and who can confidently and precisely, express their views on this.

Our Staff

Ms A Hickmore – Head of Department

Ms A Ali – Teacher of English

Mr A Bryant – Teacher of English/Head of School

Ms N Khashjori – Teacher of English

Ms L Mayer – Teacher of English

Ms V Pei – Teacher of English

Key Stage Three

The Year 7 English curriculum introduces students to a range of foundational texts and topics. They explore autobiographies and memoirs, dive into Greek mythology, learn about the origins of language, and study the epic poem ‘Beowulf’. They also get an introduction to Shakespeare with select scenes, read ‘Refugee’ Boy by Benjamin Zephaniah, and solve mysteries with Sherlock Holmes. Students develop essential skills in
reading comprehension, narrative analysis, and vocabulary. They practise writing skills by creating autobiographical pieces and responding to literature. They also work on speaking and listening through classroom discussions and presentations. This foundational year sets the stage for more complex texts in the future. The varied genres and styles expose students to different literary techniques and prepare them to tackle challenging texts in more depth in later years.


Year 8 expands on the foundations laid in Year 7, focusing on short stories and creative writing. Students study an introduction to poetry movements and read ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens. The curriculum includes non-fiction writing and speeches, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by Shakespeare, and the play ‘A Monster Calls’. Students build on their reading and writing skills by exploring different genres and narrative styles. They develop their creativity through short story writing and gain a deeper understanding of character development and plot structure. They also work on public speaking through non-fiction speeches. The emphasis on creative writing and poetry provides a strong base for exploring more complex texts and literary themes. The exposure to Shakespeare helps students grow accustomed to his language and storytelling techniques.


In Year 9, the curriculum shifts towards non-fiction writing, with a focus on persuasive and argumentative techniques. Students read ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell, study protest poetry, and analyse famous speeches. They also study ‘Othello’ by Shakespeare and the play ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’. This year, students hone their analytical skills, learning to identify themes, symbols, and motifs in texts. They practise writing persuasive essays and speeches and gain confidence in public speaking. The skills developed in Year 9, particularly in analysis and critical thinking, are crucial for Key Stage 4. The focus on non-fiction and protest themes prepares students for GCSE-level English, where these elements are emphasised.

Key Stage Four

The GCSE curriculum is prescribed by the exam board’s requirements (in this case, AQA), but we have carefully selected texts that complement and build on what was covered at Key Stage 3, while also laying a solid foundation for A-Level study. Additionally, there’s ample opportunity to expand cultural capital by choosing texts that are both engaging and challenging, allowing students to practice key skills for the language exams.


Year 10 marks the beginning of the GCSE curriculum. Students study ‘An Inspector Calls’ as their first set text, focusing on character analysis and themes. They also work on Language Paper 1 skills, analysing fiction and practicing creative writing. The Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology introduces them to a range of poetic forms and themes. They also develop Language Paper 2 skills, and complete an in-depth study Macbeth by Shakespeare. Students refine their analytical and critical thinking skills, particularly in dissecting literature and identifying underlying themes. They practise writing creatively and analytically, focusing on clarity and structure. The AQA Spoken Language Endorsement is completed in this year and helps them improve their public speaking and presentation skills. By the end of this year, students will have covered most of the Literature and Language content, allowing ample time for revision and consolidation in Year 11.


Year 11 is focused on revision and exam preparation. We begin with their final set text, ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. They review Language and Literature topics, revisiting key concepts and refining their exam techniques. Mock exams allow them to practise their skills in exam conditions. This year is about consolidating knowledge and preparing for the GCSE exams. Students fine-tune their essay-writing skills and strengthen their ability to analyse texts under timed conditions. This year serves as a culmination of their English studies at Key Stage 4, setting them up for success in their GCSE exams and beyond.

Links to Future Pathways

Studying English could lead to a great number of careers- it is perhaps the most transferrable of all subjects!


Potential careers include: Journalist, Novelist, Web content manager, Publisher, Editor, Broadcaster, Social Media Manager, Lawyer, Politician, Teacher, Jobs in Leisure and Tourism, Copywriter, Financial Sector Jobs, Jobs in the Media, Computer Game Creation, Advertising and Marketing, Radio host, Poet.


Skills that English study provides that are highly-valued by employers include:
•The ability to work independently
•Time management and organisation
•Planning and researching written work
•Articulating knowledge and understanding of texts, concepts and theories
•Leading and participating in discussions
•Negotiation and team-working to present ideas and information
•Effectively conveying arguments and opinions and thinking creatively
•Using your judgement to weigh up and analyse alternative perspectives
•Critical reasoning and analysis.

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