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“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” – Albert Einstein

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries. It is essential for everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.

A high quality mathematical education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and an appreciation of mathematics.

Our students achieve outstandingly well at all Key Stages and our results are significantly above the National Average year on year.
Here at Salvatorian’s Mathematics Department we always go the extra mile for your child:
•Homework club
•Revision sessions during holidays for exam classes
•After school and Saturday revision sessions for exam classes
•Pupils across the year groups 7 and 8 are invited to Maths Club, which takes place each week
•Every spring, our most able students take part in the UKMT Maths Challenge where they need to put their problem solving skills to the test and we are proud of the number of bronze, silver and gold certificates that pupils receive
•Students displaying strong mathematical knowledge at KS3 will be given the chance to take an early Further Maths qualification in Year 10.

The mathematics curriculum aims to offer our students the opportunity to develop a solid foundation in the key mathematical components: number skills, algebra, geometry, ratio and proportion and probability and statistics. This is achieved through consolidating the basic principles and knowledge to ensure a deeper understanding of these building blocks, exploring methodology and becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics by developing their problem solving skills. We encourage a deep understanding and memory through building upon prior knowledge, rehearsal and revision.

Through our curriculum we aim for our students to link and master the different components to contextual real world problems, allowing students to appreciate the importance and power of mathematics in their everyday lives. Our curriculum is not only broad and knowledge rich but we also strive for it to be challenging and enriching.

Our Staff

Ms L Morrell – Head of Department

Mr F Banji – Teacher of Mathematics

Mr D Ogun – Teacher of Mathematics

Mr S Rabey – Teacher of Mathematics

Ms C Agbai – Teacher of Mathematics

Ms A Lohan – Teacher of Mathematics

Ms S Eedan – Teacher of Mathematics

Ms P Shamash – Teacher of Mathematics

Mr D Evans – Teacher of Mathematics

Key Stage Three

The aim is to enable students to master their prior knowledge acquired from Key Stage 2, allowing students to develop their mental and written arithmetic skills.

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum affords our students the opportunity to explore the key concepts; Numbers and their Relations, Algebra, Shape and Space, Representing and Interpreting Data, Geometry and Measures and Ratio and Proportion through varied activities to instil the love of mathematics alongside building students confidence in their own ability.

The aim of the Key Stage 3 curriculum is to provide the foundation of the key concepts so our students are secure and confident to apply their understanding to the more in-depth Key Stage 4 programme.

Students have three contact hours per week. Homework is set two to three times a week in Years 7, 8 and 9 to provide students with an opportunity to practise the skills taught in lessons and to consolidate their understanding.

End of topic assessments (approximately every two weeks) will be given by class teachers. For these assessments pupils will receive a percentage only. End of term assessments will be completed at the end of each half term. All of the above assessments will be in their exercise books with parents’ signatures and feedback.

Key Stage Four

GCSE Mathematics is perhaps the most important qualification that your child will receive.
It not only gives pupils the knowledge to deal with practical problems in the real world, it is also an important subject when applying for Further Education and employment.

The aim at Key Stage 4 is to enable students to master and enhance the knowledge acquired from Key Stage 3 whilst linking the various concepts in the mathematics curriculum. Students are taught to draw on alternative methods to solve such complex problems keeping in line with the demands of the GCSE curriculum.

At Key Stage 4 we empower our students to build their confidence within the key concepts; Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Measures, Statistics and Ratio and Proportion through a range of activities to complement their knowledge and skills developed in Key Stage 2 and 3. Every lesson, teachers aim to link the concepts covered to GCSE exam style questioning.

Students have four contact hours per week in year 10, four contact hours in year 11 plus one extra hour for the Year 11 examination classes. Homework is set three to four times per week to provide students with an opportunity to practise the skills taught in lessons and to consolidate their understanding.

End of topic assessments (approximately every two weeks) will be given by class teachers. For these assessments pupils will receive a percentage only. End of term assessments will be completed at the end of each half term.

Our exam board is Edexcel. At the end of year 11 students will sit their GCSE Mathematics papers; one non-calculator and two calculator papers. There are two tiers of papers Foundation Tier with grades 1-5 and Higher Tier with grades 4-9.

Key Stage Five

Many universities consider mathematics to be one of the most valuable A-levels.

You will have the opportunity to develop decision making and problem solving skills, transferable to any career path you choose.
The aim at Key Stage 5 is to enable students to develop into mathematical scholars through an enquiring and investigative approach to their mathematical studies. We actively encourage independent research and study outside of the curriculum in preparation for their higher educational studies.
Having mastered a secure mathematical background at grade 7 or above in their GCSE, we aim for our students to explore the many fields that surround mathematics.
The key areas we focus on are Pure and Applied Mathematics, including Statistics and Mechanics. Teachers aim to consistently link the applied content to other Key Stage 5 curriculums within the school so students broaden their background of what they can do with a solid mathematical education.
We also offer our highly able students the opportunity to study the Further Mathematics syllabus including Core and Further Pure Mathematics. Teachers at Key Stage 5 challenge student’s analytical problem solving skills through targeted questioning which allows the students to mature into highly sought after mathematicians.
Our exam board is Edexcel.

A-Level Mathematics:
Paper 1 and Paper 2 Pure Mathematics
Topics include: Proof, Algebra and Functions, Co-ordinate Geometry in the (x,y) Plane, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Exponentials and Logarithms, Vectors, Sequences and Series, Binomial Expansion, Differentiation, Integration and Numerical Methods.
Paper 3 Statistics and Mechanics
Topics include: Data Presentation and Interpretation, Correlation and Regression, Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution and Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Probability, Kinematics, Forces and Newton’s Laws, Moments, Static Rigid Bodies, Projectiles, Application of Forces and Further Kinematics.

A-Level Further Mathematics:
Paper 1 and 2 Core Mathematics
Topics include: Complex Numbers, Series, Roots of Polynomials, Volumes of Revolution, Matrices, Linear Transformations, Proof by Induction, Vectors, Methods in Calculus, Polar Coordinates, Hyperbolic Functions, Methods in Differential Equations and Modelling with Differential Equations.
Paper 3 and 4 Further Pure Mathematics
Topics include: Inequalities, Vectors, Conic Sections, Taylor Series, Methods in Calculus, Numerical Methods, Reducible Differential Equations, Number Theory, Groups, Recurrence Relations, Matrix Algebra and Integration Techniques.

Links to Future Pathways

Mathematics is a pre-requisite for some degree courses: Physics, Accountancy, Mathematics and Statistics, Engineering and Economics.

Jobs directly related to Maths include:
Acoustic consultant
Actuarial analyst
Chartered accountant
Data scientist
Investment analyst
Research scientist (maths)
Secondary school teacher
Software engineer
Sound engineer

Jobs where Maths would be useful include:
Academic researcher
CAD technician
Financial trader
Game designer
Insurance underwriter
Machine learning engineer
Management consultant
Operational researcher
Quantity surveyor

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